Basic Bind Off: Purlwise
Jen Lucas
Jen states that this bind off can be used for a variety of reasons. It can be used when binding off on the wrong side of stockinette stitch. It can also be used on the right side of a piece, to create a line of purl bumps along the final edge, which can be decorative.
Jen follows these steps to work the purlwise bind off:
1. Purl 2 stitches (2 stitches on right needle)
2. Insert the left needle into the first stitch (the right-most stitch) on the right needle
3. Pass the first stitch over the second stitch (1 stitch remains on the right needle)
4. Purl 1 stitch (2 stitches on right needle)
Repeat steps 2 – 4, ending with step 3 with one stitch remaining on the right needle. Cut the yarn, leaving an approximately 6-inch tail. Fasten off by pulling the yarn through the final loop.
Once the bind off has been demonstrated, Jen shares her tips for blocking a piece that uses this technique. She prefers to pin down the individual picots when wet blocking a project.