Kid-Built Workbench
George VondriskaDescription
Tool use
Cora and Will, the kids working with Char, are both 13 years old. Char chose to precut the case pieces for them rather than have the kids use the table saw. You can evaluate this based on the kids you’re working with. We did a great live stream with Chris Lyons talking about kids in the shop in which Chris defines what tools kids should be able to use at a given age. Tool use is definitely idiosyncratic to the kids you’re working with. Be sure to evaluate the maturity levels and skill sets of the kids you’re working with.
The project
The workbench is a great project and is very adaptable. It’s assembled with screw pockets, which makes it very simple. You can easily increase the project’s complexity by:
– Using dadoes and rabbets
– Adding a face frame
– Add doors
– Make adjustable shelves
What to watch for
This project video is different from other Woodworkers Guild of America project videos. The video isn’t about how to build the project so much as how Char works with the kids to enable them to make the project. Watch for her interactions with Will and Cora, and use similar interactions the next time you have kids working in your shop.
Project plans
Grab the project plans and you’ll be ready for the kids in your life to make their own workbenches.