10-Minute Upper Body Workout for Beginners
Chris Freytag
This workout covers the entire upper body in just 10 minutes. Trainer Chris Freytag is going to take you through everything including back, chest, shoulders and arms. You are going to feel this the next day! The best part of using a video like this is the extra coaching you get so that you can be sure you are using proper form. Poor form is a very common reason for injuries. Pay attention to the cues Chris provides. The other great part of using this video is that you know you are not alone! It is awesome to be able to work out right at home with someone else on the screen encouraging and challenging you!
All you need for this workout is a set of hand weights. Chris is using five and eight pound weights in the video, but you can use what works for you. Maybe three pounds is better. Maybe you are a bit stronger and you can move up to 10 pounds. The goal is to get to muscle fatigue which means you get to the point that you are wondering if you can finish the last few repetitions because those muscles are working so hard!
So often we fail to get started on the workouts that we know we should be doing because we just can’t find the time. That is why this 10-minute upper body for beginners is the perfect solution! Every muscle group of the upper body gets worked in just 10-minutes! Do it in the morning before your shower. Take a quick workout at lunch before you eat. 10-minutes is even doable right after work before dinner! Just 10 minutes a few times a week and you are on your way to being in the best shape of your life! Once you conquer this and feel ready for a bigger challenge, check out our Serious Strength series of workouts!