Helpful Stretches for Low Back Pain Relief
Chris Freytag
Low back pain can happen for many reasons, but primarily the watery discs in our spine that separate our vertebrae start to degenerate, compress, or herniate. Then, the muscles that surround the spine have to work harder, causing them to become very tight. This video contains great stretches for low back pain and is designed to help you reduce or eliminate this pain caused by muscle tension. Of course, you should always clear things with your doctor and make sure that your pain isn’t coming from a larger issue. If, however, it is due to tight muscles in your lower back or normal wear and tear, Chris Freytag will coach you through a short routine of exercises to beat back pain and help you move more freely.
The first part of the routine involves using a small ball that is rolled along the muscles of the spine. The massage ball is placed below the muscle, and by rolling around until you find your trigger point (or “sweet spot”), you massage the muscle with the weight of your own body. Following the ball routine, Chris demonstrates a few easy stretches for low back pain that have helped her feel better including a lying spinal stretch, seated spinal twist, and the cat and cow yoga poses. If you enjoy these poses, try our Yoga Poses for Back Pain as well!
All of these stretches are simple to perform and are total miracle workers for your lower back! Of course, don’t forget that a regular total body stretch also works wonders for the tension in your back as well as the rest of your body. The word you hear repeated during this video is CONSISTENCY. Once you learn this routine, you’ll want to do it every day! So join us for the ride and alleviate your low back pain!