Knit Smarter With Magic Loop
Lorilee Beltman
- In-depth Instruction; over 114 mins
- On-demand video access anytime
- Bonus downloadable PDF resources
- Access to class Q&A

Improve your circular knitting with the magic loop technique.
Knitting in the round has never been easier! Designer Lorilee Beltman breaks down the magic loop technique so you can knit smaller-circumference projects such as socks and sleeves using only one circular needle. Learn how to knit an entire sweater using fewer needles than the pattern calls for, and even knit projects two at a time. With Lorilee’s step-by-step guidance, you’ll be working the magic loop method like a pro and may never need your double-pointed needles again!
Lorilee Beltman
Lorilee Beltman is a Craft Yarn Council certified instructor and a TNNA designer and teacher who has taught at national events around the country since 2009. It was once Lorilee opened her own knitting business, City Knitting, that she realized her passion for spreading knowledge and helping knitters past their roadblocks. You can find some of her articles in respected magazines such as Twist Collective and Interweave Knits.

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