Patrick Connors

Perspective in Landscape Drawing

Patrick Connors
  • In-depth Instruction; over 195 mins
  • On-demand video access anytime
  • Bonus downloadable PDF resources
  • Access to class Q&A
Patrick introduces himself, discusses pictorial depth and introduces you to masterpiece works of art that use perspective.
Get the most out of your drawing tools -- sketchbooks, pencils, erasers and more -- and how to store your artwork.
Learn the perceptions and misperceptions of achieving space and depth using line, tone and detail.
Learn to make and use a tool for analyzing space -- the Albertian veil.
Draw a landscape while using a cone of vision, a plumb line, a measure stick and other helpful tools.
Consider the relative space and orientation between objects in your landscape.
Learn how light, midtone and shadow can be used to achieve atmospheric perspective.
7 Lessons
3  hrs 15  mins


A seasoned instructor of linear perspective, Connors shares a brief overview of the significance and history of perspective in art, then leads you through a series of drawing exercises designed to strengthen your perceptual skills and explore compositional strategies. You’ll see how these strategies have been employed by other artists and learn how to make your own compositional tools. Using a model landscape, you’ll refine your ability to visualize a scene then explore atmospheric perspective by building up a sketch with tonal masses. Add depth to your work with Connors’ guidance and personal feedback.

Patrick Connors

Patrick Connors is an award-winning easel painter and a graduate of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. His drawings and paintings are exhibited across the country, as well as internationally in both private and public collections. Patrick has taught linear perspective at the Graduate School of the New York Academy of Art, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, and the Institute of Classical Architecture & Art: Manhattan and Rome Programs.

Patrick Connors

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