Shop Storage Solutions
George Vondriska

- In-depth Instruction; over 89 mins
- On-demand video access anytime
- Bonus downloadable PDF resources
- Access to class Q&A

Who wants to work in a cluttered shop? It’s no fun constantly moving stuff from one flat spot in your shop to another, just so you can create a work space.
Part of what leads to clutter is simply not having a good place to put your material and tools. It’s an old cliché, but it’s true – It’s best to have a place for everything, and everything in its place.
The tips and projects in this class are designed specifically to add organization and storage to your shop, and get rid of your clutter.
We’re here to help
This class provides you with a number of shop-made storage options; from drawer organizers to parts bins to French cleat systems to a chisel holder. You’ll see, step by step, how to build each item, and get tips on how to adapt these projects for your shop and your needs. With these storage solutions in your shop and at your fingertips, the only reason for not being better organized is that you’re not taking advantage of them.
There’s lots of woodworking here
These are great projects. In addition to adding shop-made storage to your inventory, these projects will provide you with many woodworking skills. There are tons of woodworking tips and tricks provided throughout the class that you’ll be able to use on other projects. You’ll learn about:
- Material selection
- Fastener choice
- Cross-halving joints
- Cutting sequence when working with plywood
- Making a face frame
- Stopped dadoes
- Hanging a cabinet door
- Banding plywood edges
- And lots more
In addition to the detailed video, this class provides you with some downloadable resources and helpful information to print and keep, including a detailed Class Guide you can follow and use as a reminder for the key points of the class, and a Resources document that will give you information on the products you’ll see in class and drawings of the storage projects built in the class.
If you’re looking to spend more time woodworking and less time looking for tools, this is the class for you
George Vondriska
Formally trained in technology education, George Vondriska has been teaching woodworking since 1986. He has been the managing editor of Woodworkers Guild of America since 2007. In addition to classes at his own Vondriska Woodworks School, George teaches at woodworking shows across the country and has taught woodworking for the Peace Corps, Andersen Window, Northwest Airlines and the Pentagon.

Bonus materials available after purchase