Rhéni Tauchid

The Texture Toolbox: Acrylic Medium Magic

Rhéni Tauchid
  • In-depth Instruction; over 148 mins
  • On-demand video access anytime
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Mediums are the real manipulators of acrylic paint -- but which ones do you use when? And how do you combine them with your colors, or with each other? Rhéni Tauchid starts class by helping you identify the different families of acrylic mediums and the functions of each.
Grounds are the starting point for a strong and stable acrylic composition! Start the lesson by taking a look at gessoes and modeling pastes, before Rhéni breaks down the tools and techniques for applying them. You'll also explore the way in which new layers are affected by the various grounds.
Explore the largest group of acrylic mediums: thin or liquid mediums. Rhéni begins by demonstrating how they can increase the flow and transparency of your colors. Next, use glazing to control color intensity. The lesson ends with some special methods for creating subtle texture.
Gel mediums are ideal for extending colors without losing their body. Rhéni shows you how to achieve varying thickness by applying and mixing regular gels with these thicker gels. And for dramatic texture, find out how thicker paints can help. Along the way, you'll pick up new applications for mediums you've already visited.
Dive into a world of mediums with their own built-in textures -- they're great for varying and extending your surface possibilities! First, discover how to properly tint and apply coarse mediums like Nepheline Gels. Then, do the same for a self-leveling gel medium.
You've got the common mediums down, now it's time to take a look at some more unusual options. Rhéni guides you through using Dry Media Ground and some other great choices for mixed media. Looking for a finish you haven't seen yet? You'll learn how to create your own custom gels. Plus, class ends with some non-traditional applications for mediums from previous lessons.
6 Lessons
2  hrs 28  mins


Acrylic paints can yield beautiful results, but you open up a whole new world when you start playing with mediums. Join mixed media painter Rhéni Tauchid and learn how to create enticing and unexpected textures by applying mediums, gels and more to your acrylics. It’s a one-of-a-kind texture toolbox!

Rhéni Tauchid

Rhéni Tauchid is a renowned artist, sought-after instructor and published author. Her work references color-field painting and abstract landscape forms. In addition to her studio practice in Kingston, Ontario Canada, she is a materials consultant and Director of the Tri-Art Acrylic Education Program. She has also authored two books, The New Acrylics, and its sequel, New Acrylics Essential Sourcebook.

Rhéni Tauchid

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