Ian Plant

Composition Techniques in Photography: Setting the Mood

Ian Plant
Duration:   6  mins

A picture truly is worth a thousand words if it can tell a powerful story by creating a certain mood. In this session, you’ll learn how to use composition techniques in photography to draw viewers into a powerful mood.

Our expert instructor uses his compelling photographs as examples to show how to create energy, use contrast, and invoke vivid emotion to set the tone.


  • Photography Composition: Finding Your Visual Flow – Course Preview
  • Landscape Photography Composition Introduction
  • The Power of Abstract Thinking for Creative Composition
  • The Photography Composition Basics of Seeing Shapes
  • Leading the Eye to Create Good Composition in Photography
  • How to Emphasize Your Subject in Photography
  • Create Powerful and Visual Photography Arrangements
  • THIS PAGE: Composition Techniques in Photography: Setting the Mood