Ian Plant

Creating Visually Powerful Photography Arrangements

Ian Plant
Duration:   7  mins

It’s important to determine the best way to configure photography arrangements, and in this session you learn just that. You’re taken on a journey through spectacular nature photographs that vividly illustrate such concepts as the rule of thirds, exceptions to the rule of thirds, visual counterpoint, opposing forces, centered compositions, and symmetrical images.

Using these techniques, you’ll be better prepared to create gorgeous photographs of your own.


  • Photography Composition: Finding Your Visual Flow – Course Preview
  • Landscape Photography Composition Introduction
  • The Power of Abstract Thinking for Creative Composition
  • The Photography Composition Basics of Seeing Shapes
  • Leading the Eye to Create Good Composition in Photography
  • How to Emphasize Your Subject in Photography
  • THIS PAGE: Create Powerful and Visual Photography Arrangements
  • Composition Techniques in Photography: Setting the Mood