Shooting in and Around Water

Layne Kennedy
Duration:   20  mins

When shooting in and around water on a wilderness photography expedition, it’s important to be on alert for the smaller details that will enhance your shot — but be careful that you don’t miss the obvious while looking for the secrets to emerge! In this session, photographer Layne Kennedy demonstrates how to capture a variety of perspectives when shooting water scenes.

He begins by photographing canoers from atop a rocky hill before capturing images from the water beneath, illustrating how to achieve radically different pictures with a bit of simple repositioning. He also demonstrates how lens type, exposure, depth of field, and time of day can have dramatic effects on the lighting and composition of your photos.

See all of the videos in our Outdoor Photography Ideas in an Untouched Wilderness Course:

  • Outdoor Photography Ideas in an Untouched Wilderness – Course Preview
  • THIS PAGE: Shooting in and Around Water
  • Things You Might Pass By
  • Night Photography
  • Creative Ways to Capture Vastness
  • Problem Solving
  • Preparing for a Wilderness Adventure
  • Adding Wildlife into Your Shot