Kelly Hanson

How to Make a Dog Bed Using Fabric Scraps

Kelly Hanson
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Duration:   2  mins

Whether you are new to quilting or you’ve been doing it for years, you’ve probably already started accumulating fabric scraps. While many of the larger scraps can be used in future quilting projects, some might be either too small or just not a fabric you want to use again. Kelly Hanson shows you how to make a dog bed quickly and easily using the scraps you may have otherwise thrown away.


When it comes to starting to collect your fabric scraps, Kelly shows you a great way to do it that keeps all of your scraps together from the beginning. She starts by taking a large piece of fabric and sews a pillow case. You can do this by either folding a long rectangular piece of fabric in half and stitching both sides, or stitching two pieces together on three sides. Since this is a fabric scrap project, you can construct the pillowcase any way that gives you a large enough bag to fit in a small trash can. Kelly then shows how to use the pillowcase as a lining for the trash can that you can then start collecting your fabric scraps in. Once the fabric bag has been filled up Kelly shows how to fold over and finish the top edge, turning the pillowcase into a dog bed. Learning how to make a dog bed like this one is a great way to use quilt scraps, including both fabric and batting.


Even if you don’t have a dog yourself, you can still learn how to make a dog bed and then donate it. Kelly explains how these dog beds can be donated to local shelter pets. The bed becomes theirs while they stay there and when they are adopted out the bed gets to go with them.