10 Minute Medicine Ball Circuit

Chris Freytag
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Duration:   11  mins

If you have 10 minutes, you have time to burn some calories in this quick medicine ball circuit workout. All you’ll need is a weighted medicine ball and a little space. You can use an 8-, 6-, or 4-pound medicine ball, or you can also use a basketball if you don’t have a medicine ball on hand.

Since circuit workouts mean to string exercises together with no rest in between, that’s exactly what we’ll do here. You’ll perform four exercises for 30 seconds each, and then rest for 45 seconds to a minute afterward. Then, you’ll go through that whole circuit three times, taking a little over 10 minutes. Ready to go?

Watch Chris as she demonstrates each move in this medicine ball circuit workout, starting with a quick warm-up to wake up the joints and muscles. Your first exercise is medicine ball body slams. You’ll slam the ball to the ground using your back muscles and core, trying not to pause or hesitate between slams. Your second move is a forward lunge with the medicine ball. Your chest, shoulders, legs and glutes will all be activated during this exercise. The third move will be push-ups, using one hand on the ball at a time and then switching hands after each push-up. You’ll feel this move not only in your upper body but also in your core! The fourth and final move will be burpees on the ball, requiring a little extra balance.

After running through all four moves, you’ll take a quick break before doing the cycle again and then one last time. The whole medicine ball circuit workout will take around 10 minutes and you’ll have worked all the major muscle groups and burned calories at the same time.