Making Quilted Fabric Bowls
Heather Thomas

- In-depth Instruction; over 100 mins
- On-demand video access anytime
- Bonus downloadable PDF resources
- Access to class Q&A

In this session Heather introduces all of the products needed to create these bowls/vessels as will show several samples and step-outs for their creation. She will review several varieties of stabilizers and iron-on adhesives. Finally she will talk about choosing a shape and fabric selection as well as considering the type of edge you want for your first bowl.

In this session Heather will continue with information about shape choices. She will show how to layer up and quilt the base. Next you will see a demonstration on how to measure and cut the "wedges" that are used to form each vessel and finally, sew up those wedges forming the bowl.

Heather will begin this session with information about various ways to approach adding the decorative fabric layers to the bowl formed in the previous session. She will show three different approaches and demonstrate two of those. Heather will again discuss the importance of product selection and how to properly use iron-on adhesives.

Heather begins this session with some discussion on various ways to quilt the fabric bowl using free motion stitch along with simple stitch outs such as inlining shapes, simple stipples or more decorative motifs such as flowers or complex fills such as circles. Then watch as Heather quilts the bowl so that viewers can understand how to manipulate it under the foot of the machine.

This final session is all about ways to finish the edges of the bowl to dress it up. Heather will demonstrate top stitching and zigzag techniques and discuss how to bead the edges or add a couched fiber. She will finish with laundering and use instructions.
This class features a fun and easy way to make quilted bowls in a variety of shapes and sizes using all your favorite fabrics and easy machine quilting.
As Heather Thomas explains making these little beauties is so easy that you’ll want to make tons for yourself and even more to give away as gifts. Using heavy stabilizer, some batting and fabric scraps you can create your own one of a kind round, square or oval vessel.
Heather will review how to layer the base of the bowl and the process of measuring and cutting the wedges that will be used to form the bowl. Once that is complete she will will go over a variety of ways to add decorative fabric layers.
There are a variety of ways to quilt the fabric bowl including with simple designs or more complex and decorative designs such as flowers or circle. Heather will quilt the bowl showing how to best manipulate it under the foot of your machine.
Finally she will finish them off with a myriad of decorative edges, from couched fibers to hand beading.
Also included with this class is a step-by-step PDF guide to making your own quilted bowl. This is a fun project for any skill level!
Heather Thomas
Heather is a mixed-media fiber artist with a passion for color and a dedication to teaching. After a decade of making original yet traditional work, she began venturing out toward art quilting, embellishments, and mixed media work. She is the author of "A Fiber Artists’ Guide to Color & Design" and "Fabric Embellishing: The Basics & Beyond."

Bonus materials available after purchase