Double-Face Tape Substitute
George VondriskaDescription
If you find yourselves in this predicament, with a little creative engineering you’ll be able to complete your project without interruption. All you have to do is employ a technique using a couple products that you probably already have in your shop.
Here’s what you can do to engineer a work-around for these situations:
1. Apply single face tape
Cover both your template and workpiece with regular tape, being careful to have no overlap. A single layer will ensure a nice gap-free contact between the template and work piece.
2. Apply glue
Using a type of glue like the one our instructor George recommends here, place an appropriate amount on one of the surfaces.
3. Press the pieces together
With adequate pressure, hold the pieces together until a bond has formed. Be careful not to release too soon or you will have to re-apply glue and start over.
After the pieces are firmly attached, make your cuts, then pull the pieces apart as you normally would with double face tape.